As technology becoming advanced day by day it is hard to follow and keep oneself updated regularly. Even though many people make use of this technology they are not completely aware of it. Hence many of the questions remained unanswered soon they become into myths and make people confused. Some phrases that are formed by the people under their experience look silly while some are worth to think.
Many people though don’t have a clear picture of technologies they use; they raise complaints regarding different aspects. Today App development has gained momentum in this fast-paced technological world. From obtaining required information to growing one’s business Mobile Applications are playing a major part. Mobile applications make use of the local information provides us with desired outputs.
Be it in social networking, online bookings, emails what not many more things are accomplished using a Mobile Application. A Mobile Application is developed on different platforms like Objective C, JavaScript etc. They use the concerned code line and syntax to work on a mobile.
Hybrid Apps
The name itself resembles a combination. Yes, it is. Hybrid apps are developed on the combination of different platforms. It makes use of web technologies like HTML, CSS etc. Native apps are developed using a specific platform whereas hybrid apps utilize web applications. Hybrid application development is similar to developing web pages. For developing a hybrid application one can extract the same code base written for a web page and includes some API plugins to interact with mobile hardware.
Though Hybrid apps are better than native apps in many aspects some of the people believe in myths regarding developing the hybrid apps. However, an average technology user is reluctant to these things some of the high profile peoples from corporates are worrying about these myths.
Myths and their counter-arguments:
Hybrid apps are slower
They always cite the Facebook issue of turning its application from hybrid to native mode. Yes sometimes hybrid apps are slower but the performance is based on the browser.
Hybrid apps don’t look good
“Hybrid apps are not effective in appearance,” say people. When you have a look at apps in the app store today many of the apps look poor in design. This was totally based on the concept and creativity of a designer.
Hybrid apps are unsafe than regular apps.
“Hybrid apps are unsafe than regular apps”. No, Hybrid apps are as safe as the normal apps. Following the general rules may keep you and your business in the safe track. The JavaScript code used in the development of hybrid applications reduces the danger of hacking.
Building Hybrid app once, work every where
People believe in that building a hybrid app once can be used anywhere. But in the development process, you can encounter different problems. Screen sizes and device fragmentation are the issues that are to be solved. This myth can be cleared by saying that “Build once optimise everywhere”
50 % of the time is saved building a Hybrid app
50 % of the time is saved building a Hybrid app is Myth. Though the web page code can be extracted there will be many issues to resolve in developing the hybrid app. If there is no wrapper for a functionality one needs to write his own code for it which takes some time. So 80% time of doing 2 native apps can make a hybrid app is a counter-argument to the myth.
Native Apps only get 5 stars
“Native Apps only get 5 stars” is a major myth. Today many applications regardless of native or hybrid have very good customer reviews. One can develop a bad hybrid app but he should be responsible for the concerned app not for the technology.
Only HTML 5 websites are responsive
HTML 5 websites are responsive. Yeah but Hybrid apps do develop in the objective to get fast responses which also uses the web techniques like HTML.
It is impossible to implement some features
Some High graphic games can be better played in native apps rather than hybrid apps. However you can build a hybrid app using native app features. One can also use Cordova plugins to find the solutions to native codes. And it takes some time
Performance is slower in older devices
Performance is slower in older devices. Yes, it’s true .using the old stuff android makes it slower. However, there will be no problem with iOS. Likewise, you won’t face any problem with newer versions of Android.
Hybrid apps Suck
Hybrid apps Suck. Finally, it seems to be a funny one the users from their bad experience sometimes comes to a wrong conclusion regarding Hybrid apps. And some people don’t want others (web developers) to enter into app development. But web development has its importance, not all the web developers turn to app developers.
All in all, technology is rapidly changing with time. This is a type of a technological advancement which is called cross-platform development that integrates the web technologies with app development techniques in order to get a faster response because every business now is concentrating on its online presence. Moreover, the development cost is comparatively less so there is a demand today for Hybrid App Development India. Hence by breaking the barriers of the ignorance hybrid app development also gains momentum in a high speed.