The mobile app industry has become very lucrative over the last few years. One of the most popular mobile apps, WhatsApp, is estimated to be making $700,000,000 a year. With that kind of profit, it’s easy to start thinking about creating your own mobile app.
Nonetheless, you should be aware that there are thousands created daily, and the majority of them fail. Knowing why they fail may help your app be more likely to succeed. Here are some of the top reasons most mobile apps fail in the market.
Creating a duplicate
As you can imagine, with so many apps created every day, it’s likely that someone has already created an app similar to the idea that you have. While it might be challenging to come up with something completely original, it’s essential to try to make some of the features of your app unique in some way.
Look into apps that are similar to your idea. Read the reviews of the app, and see if there are issues that the customer is still unsatisfied with. You can use this information to fine-tune your features in a way that makes your app more unique and offers a real solution to the users’ problem.
Having a low-quality interface
Most users that download an app will only use it one time before getting rid of it. That means first impressions are everything. If your app has bugs, poor design, and crashes, the user is more likely to stop using it. It’s necessary that your app has a high-quality interface that performs well when used on different devices or being used under stressful conditions.
A mobile app testing platform can offer you crowd testing services to help ensure that the app performs well in a variety of circumstances. Another aspect of a high-quality interface is keeping it simple. You shouldn’t have too many features early on, so as not to overwhelm the user.
Keep all content and interface elements of the app to a minimum, only providing the users exactly what they need to see and know.
Not having a target audience
Your app has a better chance of succeeding if you target a specific group of people. You must narrow down the demographic and user persona that you’re expecting the app to appeal to. An example of a user persona could be a young person that’s vegan and shops at Whole Foods. Knowing who you’re targeting will help you in the marketing stage of launching your app.
You can look for other apps that have been successful with that audience, review the ads that they created for their product, and use elements of their ads to create an attractive ad for your app.
The app industry is one of the most difficult industries to succeed in. You have to do as much as you can to make your app simple and appealing to consumers. Following all of these tips won’t guarantee your app will succeed. Nonetheless, it does make it less likely to fail once you launch it.