How AI Is Approaching “Unorthodox” Sectors

Artificial intelligence has become a massive trend within the technological development plans of many big enterprises. Companies like Santander, Apple and Amazon, in fact, have constantly looked after ways to implement small (or big) AI-based features within their flagship applications, some with decently big success. Given the tangible willingness of approaching this matter from such titans, many startups started developing AI-based applications which could have impacted sectors “not so technologically related”, let’s analyse a couple of them.


London-based AI startup recently caught the eye of many important technological investors worldwide. It’s no secret that music as a whole has moved towards a variety of technologies in the past decade, (Digital Audio Workstations, audio interfaces, cloud storages and sampling are some examples) but JukeDeck brings this to a whole new level.

In fact, the application builds chord progressions, melodies and (potentially) complete songs from scratch using its artificial intelligence. Although still at a pre-alpha state, this could be a game-changer for future developments within the music industry.

Dines App

Dines App

If there’s one keyword which has been largely used within startups of any kind, that would be “social”. Applications developed from the startup world like Uber, for example, relied on developing social-friendly functions for their software: Uber, in fact, connects people to drivers but also puts them in contact with each other, with ratings, geotags and more.

The Dines App does the exact same thing (whilst relying on a simple yet well performing AI-friendly architecture) to organize groups of people who are willing to share a meal at a restaurant. Although born as a simple booking app, the social factor is tangible and this is yet again another small step towards AI contamination in a non-technological related field.


The automotive sector has been one of the biggest in terms of technological development. In fact, with companies like TESLA, Volvo and Audi leading the now famous “quest for the driverless experience”, there has been a multitude of different pieces of software and hardware being applied to the matter. is one of the biggest examples within the matter: the application tracks the surroundings creating behavioural inputs for the central computer in order to create a “virtual driver” which doesn’t need an actual one behind the wheel. Born as a small startup, was able to raise over $350M in capital investments during the past couple of years.


Sportlogiq is an AI startup which analyses and processes the players’ movements automatically, building then a thorough report on possible strategies which could be used. In the macro cosmos of startups within the AI field, this is definitely one of the most interesting ones. Although being still at a beta phase, in terms of development, the software is very likely to become a massive industry standard in the next future.

To Conclude

AI isn’t just related to computing, maths and business, but also to creative and retail-related sectors. What will happen in the next future, without a doubt, will be the evolution of the matter, with a bigger focus coming from developers on the topic.

Paul Matthews is a Manchester based business writer who writes in order to better inform business owners on how to run a successful business. You can usually find him at the local library or browsing Forbes’ latest pieces.