The impact of smart mobility can’t be ignored, but when the same mobility is merged with other technologies, say Artificial Intelligence (AI), then the force generated is just irresistible. People want to take this experience and try AI in their daily lives. Smartphones have certainly redefined the concept of human-machine interaction. It’s now more responsive, quick, and practically useful.
The same merge of the AI with smartphone results in smarter apps; apps that never fail to meet the expectations related to load-time, speed, and user-experience. Because, more and more people around the world have built-up their dependency on smartphones for all their computing needs, developers have started to brainstorm that how they can deliver a product that matches users’ needs. Experts see AI as a big help in this direction.
Broadly, Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence, but in a precise manner, it is based on its own ability of learning from its surroundings, including humans and the reasoning to respond and then self-correcting. It’s much more complex then mentioned here. As of now, the easily accessible forms of AI are chat-bots, smart-sensors, Alexa, and Siri, which are dominating the AI market. Also, they all have mobile support, which means they can be used through mobile apps, too.
Mobile developers know this fact and, thus they are putting primary focus on enhancing the customer experience by adding AI capabilities to apps. Artificial Intelligence can be prepared to act as the mediator for smart watches, security systems, and various other connected home appliances.
AI can automate the learning cyclic and finding of data in a deep manner, add intelligence to software, adapt the progressive learning algorithm, and be adjusted to achieve incredible accuracy in operations.
Let’s learn how AI can create great user-experience for the customers
#1 Personalization Experience
With Artificial Intelligence, data received from apps can be used in understanding the behavior of customers. AI can use the data to get in-depth insights of what customers prefer and what they usually ignore. When customers see what they like, it triggers more purchases to a particular product or service, while the system learns everything from customers themselves.
#2 Better predictive reply
The AI technology can predict replies for the communication between users and a platform. It can extract the best suitable information from data-sets by analyzing the data-patterns and then answer the users for their queries. Chat-bots are the best example of this approach. These bots interact with users in a natural way and deliver them with a great experience of being answered.
#3 Voice-based search
The smartphone mobility is based on touch-screens in which inputting queries by tapping fingers would always be a tedious and boring task. This is where voice based search comes as the handiest solution. Yes, Google has already successfully implemented the voice based search into its search engine.
The company has even localized its voice search features with different languages spoken over the world. Artificial Intelligent powered voice search is what makes companies like Google and Amazon to set their duopoly in the market.
#4 Machine learning
Apps created with the AI enabled machine learning are based on the technique that deals with enormous data and then finds actionable insights. Being an advanced computing process, the machine learning offers efficient, cost-effective, and reliable solutions for a problem and then finally increases decision making process based on the data-driven affairs.
#5 Boost the content quality
AI has a notable influence on the whole online world. It collects a huge amount of data from various platforms, which are now being used in boosting the quality of content. It shows what kind of content gets more response in the search engines.
Winding up
The growing use of Artificial Intelligence in mobile app development has overhauled the business growth and user engagement. The more there are growths and user engagement, the more businesses would be generating revenue. Together AI and mobility make a better tomorrow, for all of us!