Last year, we witnessed a market flooded with tons of Augmented Reality (AR) headsets and mobiles apps centred on the new dimensions of AR. Starting from the tech giant Google, and Microsoft to Apple, all have started investing into Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (VR) at full pace to match up the never dying expectations of the smartphone users and for the global audiences seeking innovation every now and then.
After augmented reality took the stage, businesses and individuals from different industry domains started investing more ‘n’ more into Augmented Reality app. Many of them even hired Augmented Reality developers to get it done for them and join the AR bandwagon.
But the core question is – Will AR really change our lives 360 degrees in near future? Does augmented reality app contain potential to change the way we live our life or impact on how we carry out certain activities? You must be wondering that apart from gaming, which are other places or industries that might take a facelift with the help of Augmented Reality, right? Well, we’ve identified certain ways, which might be utilizing this cutting-edge technology to transform our day-to-day life.
* Facelift of a shopping experience!!!
One of the very first areas that will be having a huge impact of AR is shopping and eCommerce space. With its immense capabilities to provide real experience, AR is going to change the shape of eCommerce 360 degrees in the year ahead. With the help of AR, you can easily transform any place into a shopping destination, which is an amazing way to utilize time without travel.
It helps you showcase what you have in a quick and engaging way. Moreover, it allows you to enable location-based services for your shopping business. It will help you come over the entire storefront design cost and let you spice up the window displays in the most appealing manner.
* Safety & Rescue Operations could be much easier…
One of the most crucial and considerable benefits of AR is that government agencies and employees can utilize it to simplify various emergency operations for fire-fighters and policemen. Don’t you think it is cool to get the details of the emergency site via map or seeing underground water or other emergency exit details using X-RAY like feature? Well, all this is possible with this amazing technology. So, if we see such innovations in the future, there would be no surprise in it!
* More from Travel and History
We were talking about time travel till now, but what if you can virtually visit all such historic places, feel the awesomeness and learn what, when and how about all such places? Well, that’s the magic of Augmented Reality technology.
It will make the learning for your kids much more engaging and easier where you can drag the classroom right on your mobile and educate the kids about the same. It is also possible that you can let your kids take their pictures with all such monuments and show it off to their friends. Many of the existing organizations or travel agencies are getting the help of Augmented Reality app to make such innovative solutions for end-users to let them feel the power of AR.
* House Decorating Solutions
If you’re living in one of the world’s most dense cities, shifting your house or decorating your home could be a daunting task. But, it will not be the challenge, if you know how to utilize AR technology. With AR you can easily know what is suitable for your home and how to put it in a most suitable manner, which makes your home look beautiful.
Today, few of the popular home furnishing and home decor’ boutiques have already launched apps. Using such apps, you can click the photos of your home and put the home decorating objects against clicked images of your home to see how it looks or where it fits the best.
* Better customer services for you!
What if you are setting up some technical stuff or internet at your home and facing issues? Well, you are going to go for a customer call centre, where you have to wait until someone on other hand receives your call and handle your query.
With the help of AR solutions, in future, if you’re facing such challenges, you don’t have to wait for someone to answer you on a call. You can get the remote assistance on the go. This will boost up customer experience and will increase the count of happy customers with the help of real-time assistance.
Aside to this, AR concept can be applied and can be seen in future for various other industry domains and customer touch-points. However, it is important to understand that AR is not the final solution for your worries, but it is a healer for all your existing pain points that works by simplifying the approach towards problems.