A blogger by passion and working as a digital marketing manager in one of the leading digital marketing agencies of USA. Also, loves music, travelling, adventure, family and friends.
Best VPN To Protect You Online

Best VPN To Protect You Online

April 3, 2019

What is a VPN? VPN is abbreviated as a virtual private network. It is used to provide a safe and secure online connection in a less secure network. It helps the branch office and remote users to safely access corporate documents. All over…

What Is Bot Technology All About?

What Is Bot Technology All About?

April 1, 2019

Bot technology is changing the world by bringing in automation in every realm of life, and quite literally. One of the most recent, and probably most popular among the innovations in this field of technology is the birth of chatbots, also referred…

Tips for Starting a Carsharing Business in 2019

Tips for Starting a Carsharing Business in 2019

February 26, 2019

Increasing numbers of people are choosing self-employment due to lower barriers of entry, more challenges with keeping full-time work and because of a drive to achieve their goals. If you’ve been investigating business options, you’ve probably considered carsharing at some stage, as…