Ways to Connect with Your Customers and Grow your Customer Base

Ways to Connect with Your Customers and Grow your Customer Base

June 26, 2019

Today’s world is fast-paced and highly connected. It is easier than ever to connect with customers because of the vast array of tools and practices available. At the same time, with so many options, it can be confusing and overwhelming. Choosing the…

05 Reasons Why You Need A Social Media Management Tool [Bonus – 03 Best SMM Software 2019 Inside]

05 Reasons Why You Need A Social Media Management Tool [Bonus – 03 Best SMM Software 2019 Inside]

June 11, 2019

Social media is one of the exceptional things that has evolved. It has brought everything at our fingertips. A single place where you will get answers to your questions.   Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms have taken the…

The Facebook Outage of March 2019: Who Survived?

The Facebook Outage of March 2019: Who Survived?

May 31, 2019

They say every problem is an opportunity in disguise. A mindset that projects positivity in times of adversity. Try telling that to the world’s leading social media network, which suffered its biggest ever Facebook outage in history on March 13th 2019. It…

8 Secret Tips for Using Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

8 Secret Tips for Using Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

May 17, 2019

The rules of adverts on social media platforms are changing. No doubt, It’s fast becoming an unfamiliar territory. Since these platforms constantly change their algorithms to create a personalized user experience, businesses now have a lower chance of getting their demographics to…

Increase Engagement with Giveaways on Your Social Media

Increase Engagement with Giveaways on Your Social Media

April 25, 2019

Out of so many ways in which brands communicate with their audience today, social media has become one of those must-have channels that shape a brand’s reputation. We use social networks to review brands, connect with our family and friends, establish connections…

3 Advanced Customer Engagement Strategies that will Inspire Loyalty and Increase Retention

3 Advanced Customer Engagement Strategies that will Inspire Loyalty and Increase Retention

April 12, 2019

Customer engagement is about the experience or relationship customers have with a brand or a business, encompassing both online and offline connections. The customer engagement strategy is about building relationships with your consumers in order to create awareness and foster brand loyalty….