Remote Working: The Electronic Signature in Remote Contracts

Remote Working: The Electronic Signature in Remote Contracts

June 22, 2021

Remote working has created a significant shift in the business operations of any organization. While businesses were facing hiccups in ensuring employees’ productivity working remotely in normal conditions, the covid-19 pandemic has changed the entire process. It is estimated that more than…

Video Marketing: An Effective Tool in Augmenting Your Business Operation

Video Marketing: An Effective Tool in Augmenting Your Business Operation

June 21, 2021

The market is stifled with intense competition, giving customers an edge to select brands, products, and services that offer the highest quality. Regardless of how anyone else views it, competition is good for business as it keeps business owners on their toes…

6 Basic Cyber Security Tips For your Remote Workforce

6 Basic Cyber Security Tips For your Remote Workforce

June 16, 2021

Remote working is becoming a more common phenomenon thanks to its flexibility and, most recently, the Covid-19 pandemic.  However, many new challenges are emerging when it comes to managing an out-of-office workforce. Cyber security is one of the most acknowledged ones. And…

5 Great Reasons For a Sustainable Digital Transformation

5 Great Reasons For a Sustainable Digital Transformation

May 31, 2021

In conventional industrial terms, digital transformation and environmental sustainability sound mutually exclusive. The propelling factors of these two notions seem unrelated. The former is driven by far-reaching technological changes brought about by artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics –…

Know the Scope of the Best SaaS CRM For Your Organisation in the Coming Years

Know the Scope of the Best SaaS CRM For Your Organisation in the Coming Years

May 28, 2021

The primary goal of CRM is to develop and strengthen consumer relationships. CRM must allow salespeople to free up money, simplify jobs, and increase efficiency in order for companies to do this. And Microsoft Dynamics out-of-date CRM with an inflated price tag—doesn’t…

In-House or Outsource Software Development

In-House or Outsource Software Development

May 27, 2021

When it comes to software development, the biggest question that most people keep arguing with is whether to hire an in-house team or outsource the software development project overseas.  Many startups and entrepreneurs appreciate the practice of outsourcing. However, there are many…

Reasons to Study Business Communication Course

Reasons to Study Business Communication Course

May 26, 2021

Need of business communication Business Communication is an intellectually demanding curriculum that emphasizes strengthening advertising knowledge and creative studies in accordance with business aptitude. It promotes the creation of both practical and theoretical skills in a variety of domains. It gives students…

How Mocking Can Help Improve API Integration for Your Company

How Mocking Can Help Improve API Integration for Your Company

May 13, 2021

API integration Every API company goes into their product’s development with one thing on their mind: its eventual integration. All that effort spent coding, testing, debugging, and fine-tuning is only worth it when a client says “yes” to integrating the API within…