Choosing the perfect partner is one of the most difficult tasks that we face in our life. The statement holds true even when choosing an offshore development partner for your business.
You choose to trust a far-off company with the responsibility of fulfilling your needs and requirements.
The sheer volume of offshore development companies out there alone makes it a difficult task, let alone finding the one that is perfect for you.
Not to mention the ocean of freelancers out there who are capable of doing your work.
But there are reasons why you should definitely go to an agency instead of freelancers. And there are ways to find that perfect offshore development partner from the thousands of them in the market.
The pre-requisite for finding the perfect offshore development partner is to understand what your actual goals and requirements for the project are.
This includes questions such as what the final outcome should be, how do you see this being done, what should be a component used; this is the questions that you should be aware of for finding that perfect one.
Yes. Finding the ideal partner is by no means easy, but that is why this article is here.
Go Global
The first step in finding that perfect offshore development partner is to search high and low.
Don’t limit your search to just some specific area, go global.
That is one of the advantages of offshore development. No matter where they are or how far, they are still here to help you complete your project.
In 2017, the global revenue from outsourced services was 88.9 billion USD! 52.9 Billion of that came from IT outsourcing.
Maybe you are currently in South America, thinking that you’ll find that perfect partner in North America somewhere.
Don’t make that mistake.
Who knows! Maybe the right one is out there in the Far East.
Search for the best offshore development countries in the world, no matter where they are. Then compile a list of 10-15 of these best companies to choose from.
Check Portfolio
The portfolio is one of the biggest indicators when it comes to choosing the perfect offshore development partner.
Before contacting them, seeing their past work is a very handy way to thin the herd.
Go through their work, find out who their previous partners were, see how they assisted them in their project.
But keep in mind two things:
- The work they had previously done may have restrictions or limitations set by the client
- The biggest portfolio doesn’t mean the best.
Sometimes the client has some specific idea or thought about the project that might restrict the agency from utilizing their full potential.
The aim of these offshore development companies is to finish the project according to the client’s requirements. So that is what they go for. They take the vision and requirements and arrange the best possible scenario.
The 2nd thing is: what usually happens is that the older the company is, the bigger their portfolio.
A new company that does not have the biggest client list may still be more innovative than the old horse.
At the end of the day, it is you, who are looking for the perfect match.
So you need to go through their portfolio and see if your vision and their capabilities from previous works, fit well or not.
Technology Stack
As a client, one thing that you must make sure is that the offshore development partner you are thinking of choosing must have the necessary technologies resources & proficiencies they need to complete your project.
That is one of the hard facts of life. The ideal partner must have the necessary tools and skills to utilize them and achieve the best possible outcome for completing projects.
For example, in recent time Ruby on Rail is becoming the first choice in coding, whereas PHP was the favorite for a long time.
Every company has their ‘company profile’, which gives you an insight into what type of technology they are ready to use in making your vision a reality.
Offshore development companies are there to make your work lighter. To do so, they need to have the technological competency.
A company that doesn’t know what Velocity is, how to use jQuery properly won’t be able to build you a dynamic website full of animations.
Every project requires the use of specific technologies. One technology might not be usable for another project. Also, not every agency is competent with all technologies that are available.
That is why it is best to familiarize yourself with the type of technologies that will be needed for your specific project. Think of languages, frameworks, databases that fit your project and start looking for the team which has relevant skills
Along with the technological proficiency they possess, what is their framework for managing product development is also important for distinguishing them from the rest.
Communication & Transparency
Communication & transparency is needed in every partnership out there. This builds a trust between all the parties involved and prevents miscommunication.
The most common dilemma in opting to go for offshore development is the fear that stems from lack of direct observation.
But the perfect partner that you are looking for surely will help you overcome that fear.
You must be able to instigate constant communication with your offshore outsourcing partner. The ideal partner will be completely transparent with you. Not just during the requirement documentation period, but also during the development process.
The regular communication will ensure that you are receiving up-to-date information about the process.
This is essential for choosing that perfect partner. But not every company will have the same policy for transparency.
Look for the one that you are most comfortable with.
Ah! Cost!
The bane of all dreams yet to be fulfilled.
For most of us, the price is THE BIGGEST issue that drives us toward offshore development. Among all outsourced jobs, 28% stemmed from IT job. Simply because a lot of countries charge a lot more than others.
Not only does offshore development provide you with the opportunity to obtain masterpieces, but also finding it with a lower price tag.
Offshore development companies from different regions of the world have different rates for their services. Because of that, it is well within reach of individuals to find a good deal.
Every project has a specific budget, and sometimes it is the budget that dictates our choice predominantly.
If every other piece of the puzzle fits perfectly, it is now time to get a quotation and try to make it fit your budget.
Wrapping Up
Your project, whatever it may be, is special to you. That is why you need someone who’ll handle it with the same care and importance as you.
You need an offshore partner that has the knowledge, skill, transparency, and ability that you feel is ideal.
You need someone who will know what to do with your project to make your vision of it come true.
Just like the story of Goldilocks, you don’t want a partner that is too hard or too soft; you need an offshore development partner that is just right.
The final choice is always yours, but this aforementioned guideline is here to help you walk the yellow brick road.