What type of web hosting do you want, what is your bandwidth requirement, which types hosting do want Linux hosting or window hosting? First, know your hosting need because without knowing your web hosting need you can’t get right web hosting. Do you want to start word press blog and common software, window applications? Some special software like (PHP, Presta shop) there is some question which you need to answer yourself.
If you are going to start a new website
Shared hosting is the best plan for new website users because when you start your website the traffic is less, generate traffic is a time taking task so in that struggle period you run your website with shared hosting. Start your new site with shared hosting with any cheap plan. It’s right for your new website after some time when your traffic increase and want more space for maintaining your website traffic. So that time you can easily switch your plan with VPS hosting and dedicated server.
If your plan to start a multipage e-commerce website
If your plan to build a big website of multipage. For maintaining the big website you want the virtual private server or dedicated server which easily helps you in maintain traffic your website load and give the best speed to your website.
Why is shared hosting not well for the business website?
Shared hosting is the best hosting for the normal website but when you talk about a business website then shared hosting is not good. Because when customer buying hosting they show unlimited space after buying they show many hidden term and condition. So if you want to start a business website so choose VPS server for host your site.
How can choose right web hosting service provider?
Choose hosting provider who provides reliable hosting services, 24/7 customer support, best in price, easy to control, unmetered bandwidth, more space, SSL certificate etc. Many companies provide web hosting service it’s a big task for finding right hosting company. So we recommend top 5 hosting providers like.
#1 Hostgator
it’s a leading web hosting service provider at best price. Many people using HostGator web hosting Service you can also purchase HostGator web hosting. Hostgator provide many plans for shared hosting, word press hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated server. You can also update your plan according to your need. Hostgator provide 24/7 award-winning customer support,
#2 Godaddy
It is a popular hosting brand in the world more 2 lakh people use Godaddy hosting service and they will be satisfied with service. Godaddy provides many plans word press hosting, VPS server, and dedicated server at the affordable price. Godaddy provides 24/7 customer support, best speed.
#3 Bluehost
It is also a one of the best hosting company who provides web hosting with amazing features and at best price. Many people use blue host web hosting service and the company provides many plans like shared hosting, cloud hosting, word press hosting, woo commerce hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting. So you can also host your site with blue host.
#4 iPage
You can also grow your business with ipage hosting it’s also the best hosting provider. You can find amazing features like free domain name, 30-days money back, free website builder tools, 24/7 customer support and much more unbeatable features.
#5 Inmotion hosting
It’s also a leading hosting provider you can host your website with inmotion hosting the company helps you in growing your business. inmotion hosting provides many plans for business hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, Reseller hosting.
I experience one thing many people run there e-commerce site of 1000 products with shared hosting but you can maintain limited traffic. So all the requirements are fulfilled with shared hosting because many side people build small side 10% sides need to buy VPS server and dedicated server.
How can you save money on Hosting Company?
There are few ways tough which you can save money on your web hosting services which are
- By using Web Hosting Coupons and Promo Codes.
- Shop at the time of discounts season like black Friday and Christmas
- Ask web hosting company sale for some discount that you are shifting from xyz company to you.
Maximum time above two points will work perfectly to save money on Web hosting companies and you can even visit WebTech Coupons to find some exclusive web hosting offers.