When big data created waves in the IT industry a decade ago, there were a few handful companies who took a leap of faith and recruited big data science and big data analytics professionals in the team.
Cut to modern times, the scenario is changing and since there are no one particular big data certifications, organizations are doing their best to train the in-house members to take up the challenging roles of big data analyst and big data scientist jobs.
How Organizations Are Creating In-House Vacancies For Data Scientist Jobs?
Since there are no one certifications for specialization in big data industry, organizations are selecting employees with both basic knowledge and experience required for big data analyst. They are then training them for specialization in both analytics and data science so that they can learn and offer some valuable assistance to an organization.
Data Scientists are essentially solo practitioners and hence when it comes to team performances they are not able to perform at their best of the best levels. So how are some of the organizations gearing up to the challenge of high demand and low supply of big data scientists and succeeding in overcoming the obstacle.
Here’s how-
By identifying the areas where a data scientist can help an organization: Data is everywhere – whether you are seeking to improve your company’s growth or to improve your product – data plays a huge role and this is where the roles of big data analyst and big data scientist become pretty crucial.
By ensuring that everyone in the company is data literate: With everything being data driven, it is quite imperative that everyone in the organization should be data literate. But what is data literacy? Data literacy is nothing but an ability to develop meaningful information from the written word that keeps flowing in seamlessly.
By joining hands with external training firm to get best of the Data Scientists for an organization: Training the workforce to take up the challenging roles of big data analyst and big data scientist is important. So if an organization feels that it needs some outsourced partner for it then they go for it to ensure proper training of its employees.
Best Big Data Scientist Jobs And Big Data Science Certifications
Just like for every job you need some sort of credentials, so is the case with big data scientist jobs in the industry. Since as a big data scientist you will be playing with loads of data both structured and unstructured, big data science certifications from reputed data science institutes will only add value to your resume. Thus making you the first choice of your prospective employer. While there are numerous big data science certifications some of the renowned ones that you can explore include-
DASCA or Data Science Council of America: DASCA offers two main data science certifications namely – PDS or Principal Data Scientist, and SDS or Senior Data Scientist certifications.
Hortonworks: Hortonworks offers big data certifications in Big Apache and Big Data Certifications for its students/professionals striving to make it big in big data industry.
SAS Certifications: SAS is another institute where you can go for Big Data certifications.
Cloudera: Cloudera certifications are renowned and well accepted in the industry after DASCA. So you can apply here as well for big data certifications.
IBM Big Data Certifications: IBM is renowned for its Apache Hadoop and other big data certifications. Apache Hadoop is a certification required by both data analyst and data scientist.