Video advertising is a type of advertisement that employs video to catch the attention of viewers and raise brand awareness. Unlike traditional advertising forms such as billboards and television commercials, video advertising is an effective approach to target consumers who spend the majority of their online time on their mobile devices.
Consumers now spend more than half of their digital time on their tablets and phones, making mobile the most popular platform for video ads. According to 2017 research conducted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and e-Marketer, 56 per cent of US internet consumers watched video material on their phones in the previous month, compared to 44 per cent who watched it on PCs.
One of the most popular advertising formats today is video advertising. To increase their online presence, promote sales, and raise brand awareness, businesses invest extensively in video content. It has become one of the most successful techniques to attract consumers’ attention in a relatively short period. When compared to traditional media forms, the ability to capture viewers’ attention in a fraction of the time is a huge benefit for marketers. It’s a dynamic framework for capturing a customer’s attention, establishing a relationship, and increasing sales. It is, however, one of the most costly kinds of marketing. As a result, knowing when and where to employ video advertising to make the biggest impact is crucial.
It’s a form of web advertising that uses pre-roll or post-roll video material to convey advertisements. It’s a highly successful approach to getting your brand in front of your target market, and it’s a format that customers are increasingly using for information and pleasure. However, not all video advertisements are the same. The quality and structure of video advertising have a big impact on your ability to connect with your target audience and get them to respond.
What Does The Future Hold For Digital Video Advertising?
As evidenced by the success of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, video advertising may be a very effective kind of advertising. This type of advertising has grown in prominence as an industry. Traditional advertising formats have two major flaws: they are one-way (the advertiser only sees the results) and they lack interactive aspects (the viewer rarely has a voice in how the ad is delivered). Interactive features are used in digital video advertising to engage viewers and also providing eCommerce Product Recommendation is easy.
From the beginning, traditional TV advertising was a broadcast medium that reached a small percentage of the viewing audience. In recent years, technological advancements have made it convenient for online video ad campaigns to reach an even more significant percentage of viewers at scale. Many of the new opportunities in digital video advertising are driven by advances in technology, loosening regulations, and new technologies like 360 video. This is where Digital Transformation Services come in place.
The following are four reasons why video marketing will be the next big thing in marketing:
The rate of engagement for video advertisements is higher
Traditional means of advertising require a greater rate of interaction than video ads. This means that viewers of video ads are considerably more likely to be engaged with the ad and to respond positively to it. Because of the increased engagement rate, video ad viewers are far more likely to be engaged in the commercial and to respond positively to it.
Consumers want to engage with brands rather than merely get information from them. As a result, the most effective video advertising has a high level of involvement. A firm may, for example, create a video commercial for a product, put a product in the movie, and ask viewers to vote on which product they prefer.
Higher rates of click-through
A video advertisement is considerably more likely to be clicked on than a standard one. This means that when people see a video ad on a website, they are far more likely to click on it than if they see a regular ad. When watching a video ad, this greater click-through rate also means that the percentage of viewers that click on an ad is higher.
This is significant since it expands the number of opportunities for the advertiser to reach the viewer. High click-through rates also contribute to increased levels of engagement, which in turn leads to higher levels of response, increasing the number of times.
Sales have increased
The sales impact of video marketing has been thoroughly proven. Video drives more sales than traditional forms of advertising, according to a 2016 study by the Marketing Accountability Institute.
When it comes to making a purchasing decision, consumers are increasingly turning to online video marketing. This is especially true for research-intensive purchases like buying a car or a refrigerator. Video ads are also a useful strategy for increasing sales because they allow marketers to approach consumers at the exact moment when they are most likely to be interested in a product.
It has a disproportionate amount of internet content
Video advertising has also become a major method of marketing, notably on social media, thanks to technological improvements. According to Cramer and Singh (2014), video advertising currently accounts for more than half of Twitter’s advertising revenue, with a growing quantity of digital advertising.
Not only has online video advertising been more prevalent, but ad spending has soared as the number of people watching online video has grown.
The influence of video on content marketing is apparent. Online ad revenue is now largely driven by video. According to a CITE study, the video will account for approximately 80% of internet ad impressions by 2022.
Video advertising is one of the vastly often used forms of advertising nowadays. Video advertising can be an excellent approach to reaching a large audience while also producing a high click rate and increase conversion rates.
Over the last decade, the explosion of digital video advertising has transformed the world of television advertising. In 2022, the market for digital video advertising is estimated to reach $20.1 billion. Customers will expect to be able to buy video commercials from brands they like, and they will expect to be able to watch them whenever they want. Online video consumption, notably on YouTube, is expected to explode in the coming decade, accounting for the bulk of digital video viewing.