Whether you are a new start-up company or a well-established brand, you have to learn new marketing strategies to sustain in the market as well as to gain some profit. In the Saga of the Internet these days, website marketing plays a crucial role so that you can reach more and more customers. Here, comes the role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is nothing but making your website more visible to people and helps to catch website traffic quantitively and qualitatively. Simply it can be explained as attracting customers and making deliberate efforts so that your company and your products get noticed by your potential customers. So, here comes a list of possible ways to generate more leads for your business by using SEO.
- Try to achieve top rankings on search engines
Make use of the psychological mindset of users. If a normal person searches a product or a service on search engines, generally he tends to look only for the first few listings on search results. He assumes that ranking indicates the best products and services and prefers to see only ranked search results. Here are some ways to achieve top rankings-
- Enrich contents of your website
Enhance the quality of content on your website. The content should be informative and meaningful. Try incorporating videos, images, graphics etc. at appropriate places. For example, if a customer is looking for any particular product and if he gets to see a video about the working of that product/device, it will help him get a fair idea about the product. In the case of marketing of hotels/residential home projects, images of rooms and other amenities will do wonders.
- Insert appealing keywords
Use appealing and exact keywords to gain attention. Your keywords should be appropriative giving a hint of your product. Select words that describe your product rightly. Try searching descriptive words for your product keeping in mind how your potential customers will search it on the search engine. Try to create attractive page titles, headings/subheadings by using the right keywords. Using long-tail keywords can also be beneficial.
- Provide internal links
Try cross-linking maximum pages of your website. Internal linking of your other pages to the target /title page will help keep searchers to stay on your website for more time.
- Make efforts to create a strong target landing page
This will help customers to understand your product thoroughly. You are advised not to just load the page with a lot of unnecessary content. Instead, create meaningful and updated content with a natural flow. Use standard language.
2. Get appeared on web listings and online directories
This is a good strategy to market your products using SEO. Make your presence felt on web listings and online directories. This will also help you market yourself locally in a great way.
3. Develop Positive reviews
When searchers are looking for any specific product or services, they surely tend to read reviews. Positive reviews help them to trust that product or service. Therefore, focus on giving a quality product or service and ask for reviews from customers.
4. Improvise your website speed
This is important particularly for search engines to divert their users to your website. So, the faster your website, better chances of getting ranking. Now how to do that? First of all, use a reliable web host. Optimize your scripts, images etc. by using appropriate internet tools. Remove unnecessary spams, comments, content, links and clean up the database.
5. Effective use of social media
Do you know that social media websites are amongst the top rankings on search engines? These search engines are including your social media posts also. That underlines the effective use of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, LinkedIn etc. These social media platforms are also used for searching for anything on the internet these days. So, you are advised to make the most use of social media. Enhance your profiles and posts on these social media for better visibility. Use hashtags efficiently so that your potential customers can find you easily. Platforms like LinkedIn provide you with a readymade hub of customers. Make the most use of this.
6. Answer a question on Quora
People nowadays are using question and answer based social platforms like Quora. Quora is flooded with hundreds of questions regularly. If you try giving answers to these questions genuinely and people get attracted towards your answer, chances that they may land up checking your website eventually.
7. Be Tech-Savvy
Smartphones have replaced computers or laptops on a large scale these days. People are using their phones to browse the contents. So consciously make efforts to make your website work on these modern devices effectively. Always update yourself and get adapted to newly developing technologies in the world to reach out to your customers.
8. Try offering any useful software on your website
It will be helpful for you to offer an easy to use yet important software or tool on your website. This will help to gain attention from your customers.
9. Do not involve in unethical practices
Try to avoid getting involved in article spinning, stealing contents from other websites, building unethical links etc.
10. Create useful partnerships
You can secure more leads with the help of creating beneficial partnerships with other businesses. Initially try to offer free trials. Then work genuinely. Eventually, you will gain the trust of your partners. Plan for offering some discounts to promote your partners to redirect clients to you.
11. Try to provide Free Resources
Try to educate your customers by providing free resources. This will help you to get some leads. Try researching on potential topics for providing a good piece of information. A list of common free resources may include PDFs, Tutorials, Webinars, Training manuals etc.
Billions of searches are being performed every day on various search engines. The Internet is flooded with a huge number of websites. So overall a huge competition for you as well as huge opportunities to market your product. We hope that the above-mentioned information is useful for you to secure more leads and you make the most use of these ways.
Vivek Roy is the Digital Marketing Manger withStartups.com – A Digital Marketing Company in Gurgaon for startups. Vivek has worked across many sectors, and loves using technology to solve branding and customer acquisition problems. He is a published author and mentor to many startups.