High-end technology has come up with a number of fragments that certainly the biggest stages available today! However, all these are not linked t each other but play an important role for a number of businesses.
IoT- Internet of Things
According to the market forecast, it has been believed that Industrial Internet of Things and the Internet of Things altogether drive nearly about $450 billion worth of vendor’s business by 2020. Also, it has been said that from the year 2015 to 2020, the total impact will be amid $2.7 trillion & $6.2 trillion. By 2025, the installed base they will have will be total 75.4 billion devices and also, they will generate around 5 trillion gigabytes of annual data. The security of IoT will leave linked home devices susceptible updated.
IoT devices like Philips and Samsung offered by companies can be vulnerable to hijacking and exploitation. So, this indicates we have huge numbers beyond our imagination and in actual, they can be quite ridiculous. In November 2016, Daniel Barnes, who is a product manager at Synapse have written in REadWrite that, the total identifiable IoT platforms were 125 and according to the claims of IDC, the number was 200 to 400. Those digits are dependent on how one defines platform and IoT. They also recommend a major problem that there is no any interoperability amid these platforms and also, no standards are there that can define what it actually means to be a part of IoT world. However, we often heard about many IoT platforms out there and if there are 300-400 platforms, then the survivors should start working altogether.
B2B has become B2C
At the Salesforce Analyst Summit, we have heard about Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thing, customer engagement and Einstein. We have also heard about discussions on various clouds and saw product roadmaps as well. All are quite impressive. Perhaps, Salesforce has a high degree of interest in B2c and that indicated that companies can sell to groups or individual directly. Just like many technologic based companies are built on B2B sales, B2C is based on the specialty of a company or a highly vertical company like Adobe. However, we think that by the attainment of E-commerce Company Demandware that is focused on retailers is not taking a keen interest in B2C, but actually investing in it actively. Being a right brained company, Salesforce has been a leader in thinking, marketing and messaging. This is an evolutionary and natural step as B2C is motivated by messaging to a large extent that impacts every individual consumer.
Thunderhead- The CRM Watchlist Winner
After the CRM Watchlist 2017 deadline has passed, this year, there were hardly 140 submissions which are quite less than the previous year. The largest one was of 126 pages and the smallest was 13 pages and in between has 55 pages approx.
The clear winner of 2017 CRM Watchlist Winner this year is Thunderhead- that is a leader in the enterprise technology for customer engagement. The Watchlist of CRM is designed to present the services firms as well as leading global technology in the market of CRM. Thunderhead is known for its cloud based enterprise solution and one Engagement Hub that provides omnichannel customer engagement. ONE is designed as a light touch layer as well as fast to deploy connective tissue for various brands, coordinating all silos and touch points of an enterprise enabling it to communicate with its potential customers with just a voice. With its high-end learning and listening abilities, ONE offers exceptional journey behavior and customer insight. Also, it allows enterprises of industry sectors to optimize customer retention strategies building a stronger relationship with the customers, marketing and drive conversation-led engagement.
There were 147 companies that were registered for the award, out of which 136 submissions were there and 6100 pages to choose the 25th CRM Watchlist winners 2017. Thunderhead joins up contact center customer experience, along with mobile, high street and web and connect them with your prevailing CRM system and therefore, providing you a different view of your customers. Their intuitive ONE engagement Hub enables you to understand the needs of your customers at the right moment. This allows you to interact with your customers easily and efficiently.
About Author:
Joseph Macwan technical writer with a keen interest in business, technology and marketing topics. He is also associated with Aegis softwares which offers Microsoft dynamics crm consultant services.