Mobile apps have slowly and gradually changes the phase of enterprise industry. Since the day apps entered the enterprise sector, they have opened new doors for seamless and effective processing, and ultimately, higher profits. This has encouraged various startups and enterprises to invest in enterprise app development.
However, in the hurry to leverage the perks of the mobile industry, the entrepreneurs and organizations often commit various mistakes, which have an adverse impact on their business.
If you are an enterprise and are planning to build an application, have a look at these app development mistakes organizations commit and increase the chances of app success:
No Clear Vision
Sadly, many entrepreneurs develop a mobile application just because they feel they should have one. They do not consider if the enterprise app will solve any of their issues or provide an additional service. Thus, their app fails to serve them with expected benefits.
To avoid this situation, enterprises should have a clear vision related to app development. If talking more specifically, the entrepreneurs and brands should consider the following three questions:
- What is the purpose of your app? Which problem will it cater?
- What solution will it offer and how is it better than the alternatives?
- Who will use your application?
By finding relevant answers to these questions, you will be able to build the right mobile application and reap higher ROI
Choosing the Wrong Platform
It’s true that you are building the app, but it’s the employees who have to use them. So, the platform for development must be decided according to their preference.
If most of your users are using iOS devices, there’s no meaning of investing in android app development. So, determine the platform most of your employees use and develop a mobile application accordingly.
Adding Too Many Features
When developing an enterprise mobile application, organizations often forget that the main idea behind app development is ease of use. They overload their app with a myriad of features, which makes their app confusing, unpleasant, and heavy enough to load. Consequently, the employees leave the app and never return, proving it to be just a waste of money.
To ensure that you do not commit this app development mistake, consider a single functionality you want to offer. Analyse the needs of the employees and provide them with a solution for one problem at a time. In other words, invest in MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development. An MVP empowers you to build the initial version of your app at lower cost, launch it, evaluate the response and push an update.
Skipping testing
To cut down the mobile app development cost, many enterprises overlook the testing phase. This is again one of the major app development mistakes that ruin the app performance. Since the app is not tested, there’s a higher probability of bugs and potential issues that might affect the end user experience as well as the security of the sensitive data stored/shared.
Poor marketing
Many enterprises just focus on enterprise app development. They do not pay attention to its promotion. As a result, the app gets served to the employees but they never feel excited about it. Ultimately, all your efforts go in vain.
As a part of mobile app development company, I suggest all treat your enterprise app like a commercial app. Put your best efforts in app marketing. Don’t force your employees to use your app. Instead, create a curiosity among employees to install and use the app. You can also provide them incentives and other benefits for using an app.
In addition to this, ensure that all of your employees have access to the app download link. If your team works internally, distribute the app through your own enterprise app store. Otherwise, make your app available on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
No Performance Evaluation
One of the common app development mistakes enterprises make is that they do not consider any metrics to assess the app performance. They acknowledge the app downloads only. Although it is a performance metric, you can’t completely rely on it.
Every enterprise app has a different goal, and so it should have a different KPI or metrics to track app performance and prove ROI. When you invest in the right metrics, you can easily evaluate the app performance and work for improvements.
While avoiding the above-mentioned mistakes do not guarantee the success of your enterprise app, it ensures that you are not developing a bad app. You are developing in the right way, and there’s a higher probability of your enterprise application development process turning out to be a success.