Did you know tendering could be done online?
The internet has changed the way we receive, perceive and share information. The benefit of the internet is that it encourages us to develop better ways to operate using a virtual world which has fewer restrictions and greater efficiencies than in the non-virtual world. Tendering is one of the processes that has benefited from being made possible over the internet—its called e-tendering.
Do you know what e-tendering is and why you should choose it over traditional methods?
E-tendering has taken the whole tendering process online, including advertising and promotion of the RFT, sending tender-related information and submission of completed proposals.
What are the Benefits of E-tendering
E-tendering in NSW and other parts of Australia is beneficial for the tenderers as well as the tender assessment committee for many reasons including those below.
1. Perfect for beginners
If you are still in your early days of pursuing tenders, then there is a high chance of getting confused because the tender process can be complicated. E-tendering is one of the best ways to deal with this confusion because it more clearly guides you through the submission and documentation processes.
2. More efficient
Tender documents are highly technical, and it is important to proofread every document that you submit. The e-tendering management systems do not allow you to submit documents that do not contain all the mandatory fields making it easier for you to ensure a perfect bid. It also allows you to pick up right from where you have left off (provided you have saved all the documents on the portal).
3. Convenient to compile
The guidance software ensures you keep all the important documents in one place, which enables you to go through each document conveniently. It does not allow you to move to the next step unless all the required documents are submitted.
4. Track progress easily
The fact that all your documents are online makes it easier for you to track the progress of your procurement process. You can also opt to receive notifications for any changes or requirements that the committee needs, keeping you posted on the tender process at all times.
5. Do your bit for the environment
This paperless method allows you to do your bit for the environment because e-tendering reduces the need for manufactured paper and printing. It indirectly reduces deforestation and energy consumed to manufacture paper and ink.
Makes More Sense
E-tendering is more convenient than conventional offline methods. It takes advantage of the benefits of the digital age. It not only helps create a comprehensive bid but also makes sure you have an easily referenced checklist to ensure that you submit all the documents.
Are you familiar with NSW e-tendering systems and policies?
E-tendering is an efficient method which ensures submission of all the necessary documents at each step of the tender procurement process. It is designed to simplify the tender process and encourage more businesses to submit their bids.
Studies have shown that businesses do not go for tenders because they are concerned about the complexity of the tender proposal and the confusing submission criteria. These businesses are the primary targets of e-tendering.
It is a system that is easier to operate and more efficient to maintain. E-tendering has revolutionized the world of tenders because, after its inception, a significant increase in tender submissions was observed as well as a significant decrease in submission errors.