In our previous post, we had covered the SEO mistakes that can ruin your content marketing. Likewise, here is a complete checklist of SEO mistakes that could affect your site’s traffic and ultimately your site’s ranking in the search result. This checklist comes in the form of an infographic and comprises of 25+ top SEO mistakes to avoid. Finding and fixing these mistakes is crucial if you want to keep your site safe from malware, spam and other issues that could hurt the user experience.
If you are running an online business then you are bound to make mistakes. The reason for this is because the online world is a vast landscape and while some mistakes may costs your business more than others, it is important to be well-informed and rectify these mistakes before it hurt your site’s traffic & ROI or worse yet your site’s credibility.
SEO is one of the key factors that can help boosts your site’s visibility in the online market and as such, one needs to ensure that their site’s on-page and off-page SEO is up-to-date. Thus, take a look at the below infographic checklist of SEO mistakes and for further reference, you can also download it for free and keep it handy.
25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website [Infographic] by the team at Hosting Clues