Gone are the days when people have to move from office to office and wait for interviews in the queue to get a job. These days you can get your dream job or at least apply for it lying right in your bedroom.
If you think social media is just for making new friends, chatting with them and posting attention-grabbing status, you are wrong my friend. Social media has grown enormously very big over the years and it is changing the world in many ways. People are making millions by using social media or you can say using it in a right way.
The digitalization has made the earth a global village where one can easily buy stuff from anywhere in the world and in times like these social media has brought the people closer. It has been very easy to contact a firm or company using social media for getting your dream job. But here the question comes how and what are the ways to use social media for getting your dream job.
You may currently be using multiple social media channels to connect with your friends, relatives, and loved ones but what about using this platform for getting your dream job? It will be truly great.
If you are not doing any kind of serious business over social media and not making huge money, at least you can get your dream job here. Let me feature the top 10 ways to use social media for getting your dream job.
1. Create Outstanding Profile
Your social media profile will act as your online CV, thus make a great effort to create an appealing profile. Make sure to create an outstanding profile capable of showing your expertise and experience.
LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms which can help you in getting your dream job. Nothing is more professional than LinkedIn when it comes to B2B social media channels.
If you want to get noticed by a specific company then join their official social media networks, participate in the conversations and makes effort to be authentic and useful there. Look for the ways to increase your visibility with your attention-grabbing complete profile.
2. Have separate professional and personal accounts

Don’t mix your personal and professional life on social media instead you can go with dual social media accounts. It will not be a great idea to reveal your personal life on your professional social media account.
Have one professional account to connect with your employees, like-minded peoples, office staffs etc. It is great to connect with your loved ones and social media is the easiest way to connect with them but we must make effort to keep our personal life more secret.
3. Create your online CV and make it impressive
Create an outstanding online portfolio and make it easy for the employers to go through the details of your expertise and experience effortlessly.
If you have a blog then link your online CV to your blog which will look more impressive. Don’t have a blog? No worries, link your online portfolio to each of your social media accounts to get more exposure.
You can even go with more fancy options such as creating an appealing YouTube video or infographic. Before doing anything make sure to look enough professional in whatever option you choose.
4. Never, ever Lie

Don’t fake, seriously don’t.
You can’t hide the truth for a long time and faking can harm you a lot. There are very low chances of getting your dream job with fake expertise or experience. You may get your dream job by doing this but surely the truth will reveal definitely someday.
5. Have Patience, don’t look desperate
Yes, I know that getting a dream job is not easy but you must keep patience while hunting job opportunities. Never say these three words, “please hire me” neither online nor offline.
The chances of getting a job through social media increases when you establish yourself there as a proactive and knowledgeable person. Keep your eyes on the available opportunities, be consistent and engage directly with likeminded and relevant people of your industry.
6. Show your Expertise

Let your social media profiles speak about your experience, skills, and expertise. Whether you are creating your online portfolio or making social media profile make sure to include keywords relevant to your expertise and experience.
Whatever your skills, interests, and passions try to describe them clearly on whichever social media channel you are using. Make sure your social media profile is enough capacity for describing your expertise easily, this will increases the chances of getting your dream job.
7. Use Multiple Social Media Channels
There are multiple social media platforms available through which you can land your dream job. But is it necessary to join multiple social media channels if you want to get a job through social media? And the answer is yes.
It’s better to have more options in our pouch. Joining more than one social media network will expand your reach and increase your exposure. Having multiple social media accounts can bring more job invitations and you can go with whichever option you like.
8. Be Active and Consistent
Consistency is the key to success no matter whatever your goals are. If you are looking for a job you must keep an eye on the opportunities.
Getting your dream job is not easy enough and if you want to get it through social media you must have to maintain your online presence. Keep your connections updated with your achievements, experiences, and news relevant to your industry.
9. Join the Relevant Groups and take part in Conversations
Networking is what social media is made for and creating a great network is surely going to help you online. You will find many groups relevant to your industry and you must join them. Doing this will give you more exposure and expand your reach.
After joining the social media groups and forums make effort to jump over the conversation parties and be useful there. You don’t have to ask everybody that you are looking for a job or a job change instead of make healthy relations and expose yourself.
Doing this will increase the chances of getting more invitations from the group members.
10. Ignore hate posts on social media (Seriously Don’t do That)

Seriously don’t do this.
If you are serious about your profession never post hatred posts on your social media accounts. There are many instances happened earlier when somebody has lost his/her job just because of a communal Facebook post.
Spreading hate posts through social media is surely going to harm your online credibility. Be honest, be useful and the most important thing be a human first on social media. Social media is very powerful and many of the users misusing this platform.
Final Note:
The reach, impact and user base of social media have increased drastically over the years. Most of us use social media just for socializing but it can be used in many other ways.
If you are a job hunter then you must utilize this source for your needs. The top 10 ways listed here will surely help you in getting your dream job as soon as possible and if you have any suggestions regarding this list please respond via the comments below.