As parents, we’re nothing short of superheroes. The most efficient multi-taskers. The honorable defenders of our homes. The ultimate protectors of our children
But at the same time, we’re human too, and human beings are prone to error. Yet we cannot afford to make a mistake, given the gargantuan load of responsibility on our heads. One slight slip, and the whole system crumbles down.
Imagine: you’re busy making dinner in the kitchen, while at the same time, dictating the matter of a wonderful PowerPoint presentation to your assistant on the phone. With one eye on the pot, your other eye goes to your six-year-old playing with his toy car in the living room. After a while, when you check up on him again, he’s licking the dry paint which is peeling off from the wall. You rush to him, make him do gargles, and then thank heavens that the paint didn’t have any lead in it.
See? The smallest thing could’ve put your child’s life in danger. Such are the subtle dangers lurking around the house which you need to take care of. How are you going to do that? By following these protective tips mentioned below, that’s how!
Decorate with Care
What makes a house a “home?” Your personalization of the space – curtains, bookshelves, calla lily, paintings, and coffee table, etc. However, if you have children living in your house, you need to be careful about how you decorate. Beautiful looking glass marbles, low hanging mirrors, or other porcelain trinkets could easily turn into a hazard for your child if swallowed or broken.
Barricade Entry Points
Children are curious beings. They follow their will blindly, without thinking about the consequences. A six-year-old sees a magnificent butterfly out of the second story window and will decide to follow it by pushing open the glass pane. Or maybe a seven-year-old hears the jingle of an ice cream truck and sprints outside. How are you to prevent these scenarios? By barricading the entry points, that’s how! Use restrictors and automated locks where necessary.
Seal Everything Electric
Electrocution is the worst thing that could happen to your child. The younger the child, the lesser the resistance. To make sure that nothing as terrible as this EVER happens to your family, seal all the electric outlets your child could put their finger through. Place your electrical gadgets in higher cabinets which can’t be reached. Keep everything dry and insulated.
Put Away Sharp Objects
Your eight-year-old could easily walk into the kitchen and try to imitate you by cutting through the veggies with a sharp knife. Or they could get their hands on your technical tools and imitate you by sawing through something. Imagine the millions of way these situations could get out of hand! In order to avoid them, carefully put away sharp objects from the reach of your children.
Fence Your Garden
When you’re a child, most of the fun you have is outdoors, like tiny adventures in the tall grass, or games of catch in the lawn. Yet your child could be risk during this seemingly harmless play time. Fence your garden so you child remains enclosed in an observed space, under your watch at all times.
Apply Stair Support
This point is highly important, yet it is often taken for granted. Stairs are pretty simple when you look at them. Go up or go down, one step at a time, right? Yet for a child, they can be an uphill or downhill battle. They could trip and tumble down, and break a bone or two in the process. Set up safety gates, other supporting bars, and properly train your child to use the stairs.
Moderate Indoor Temperature
If it’s too hot, your child could get dehydrated. If it’s too cold, your child could get influenza. So the temperature has to be just right: moderate and medial. With the efficient Vivint thermostat, you can regulate the indoor temperature of your home right from your smartphone.
Enable Proper Ventilation
Do you agree that your child should have perfectly clean air to breathe in when at home? Obviously, you should. Given that, you need to install a great ventilation system inside your house, which would make the flow of fresh air a reality. Any smoke/carbon monoxide gas released from your heat-consuming appliances or excessive humidity could then be carried outside and prevented from reaching your child.
Lock Away Chemicals
Ingesting any sort of a chemical could be potentially poisonous for your child. Lock away all sorts of chemicals, like cleaners, bleach, varnish, etc.
Take Care of Bugs
Whether they are the slithery slimy ones or the many-legged scurrying ones, bugs are a huge nuisance, and quite dangerous to have in a house if you have a child. Block all the tiny crevices and keep your house clean. Do not use pesticide unless you absolutely have to, and even then in a small quantity. They are extremely harmful for children.
You can make your home a safe haven for your child if you follow these handy-dandy tips. Be the guardian angel you’re meant to be!