Ways to Improve the Cyber Security of Your Business

As technologies grow increasingly complex, cybersecurity continues to be a looming threat for many businesses. Every year, more and more cyberattacks occur, prompting the need to put more robust security measures in place. You have to make sure your systems are protected to prevent the occurrence of any security breach that may compromise any of your confidential data.

Advancements in technology have led to better access to security measures. From penetration testing to creating strict security protocols, there are several ways in which you can improve the security of your business apart from the common anti-virus program or firewall. By having more reliable systems in place, you can protect your company data and avoid any internal issues that may damage your reputation.

Assess Security

Before you change anything within your business, assess your current security system. Check for vulnerabilities, bugs, and system errors that may encourage cyberattacks so that you can prevent possible threats in the future. There are multiple security tools that you can make use of, with one of them being a penetration test.

Through penetration testing, you can anticipate what may happen in case an actual cyberattack or hacking attempt occurs. Expert testing consultants will simulate the cyberattack to expose any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that your system may have. With this method, you can already detect possible areas that need to be improved within your security system–areas that may otherwise go unnoticed without the test.

Once you get the results of the penetration test, you can then work towards implementing a more reliable security system. Through recommendations from professionals, you can improve on the areas that were found to be weak or bugged.

Communicate Security Plan

To improve the security of your business, you will need the cooperation of all your employees. Thus, you have to start by communicating your security plan to them, so they are aware of all the practices and measures that will be set in place. Part of your cybersecurity plan should also be the safekeeping of information. Employees must follow proper procedures to keep confidential information safe and store them in the right places. Similarly, you also have to enforce strict protocols to be followed in case of a breach.

Make sure each of your employees creates strong and unique passwords to prevent any breach. Common passwords such as “123456” leave much room for attacks, especially since it is used by millions of accounts worldwide. Whenever possible, use stricter security methods such as two-factor authentication or other forms of multi-factor authentication. This way, you have an added layer of security every time an employee logs in to a company account.

Create Backups

Whether you are a small company with few data or a large company handling complex sets of data, always make sure to backup the information on your computers. This step is crucial to any security plan since many unexpected scenarios can cause you to lose valuable information.

When creating backups, make sure that both of your copies are secured with passwords and encryption. Even though you have an extra copy, you still have to secure the original copy to prevent it from getting lost or stolen in the first place.

Limit Access

To prevent any mishandling of information, limit the access of your company computers and accounts to authorised employees. Employees from different departments should likewise keep their passwords and accounts within the department. Doing this not only promotes security but also enhances accountability from each of the departments.

A blogger by passion and working as a digital marketing manager in one of the leading digital marketing agencies of USA. Also, loves music, travelling, adventure, family and friends.