As people’s dependency on technology grows, so does the demand for effective web and mobile applications. As a result, software developers explore different approaches to achieve a better user experience. For example, even when there is a lot of network congestion, the user wants a better UI and a faster response time for HTTP requests. As a result, stack technology is introduced, which creates a responsive and interactive UI and makes the development process much easier. MERN stack is a popular stack technology that consists of four powerful technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.
What is MERN Stack, and how does it work?
MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js are all part of the MERN Stack. MERN stack is an open-source full-stack JavaScript solution for developing web application quickly and easily. MERN was created to make application development quick and easy. Each component of MERN has a distinct function that we must comprehend. Let’s take a look at them now.
1. MongoDB: A Document-Oriented Database that Runs on Any Platform
MongoDB is a document-oriented database programmed that is open-source and cross-platform. It’s a NoSQL database with schemas based on JSON documents (optional). MongoDB is adaptable, and its document model defines the object in code, making data manipulation simple. MongoDB also has horizontal scaling and high availability because it is distributed at its core.
MongoDB features are horizontal scaling, high availability, end-to-end security, management tooling, and geographical distribution.
2. Back End Framework (Express)
Express, also known as Express.js, is a Node.js backend web application framework. It has many features that make web application development easier and faster than if Node.js is used. Express can be easily configured and customised. It assists a developer in defining HTTP and URL-based application routes. To support additional tasks, Express includes several middleware components. Finally, Express makes serving your application’s static resources and files easier.
3. React: Front End Library is a third-party library for front-end development.
Facebook released React, an open-source and free front-end JavaScript library. It’s used to create interactive web application UIs (user interfaces). It takes care of the view layer and can create mobile and web apps. Developers can use React to create encapsulated segments that keep their state and then combine them to create complex interfaces. React also renders on the server when using Node.
4. JS Runtime Environment – Node.js
Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment for the back end. Node.js is a V8 engine that allows you to run JS code outside a web browser. A developer can use Node.js to create dynamic content for web pages, collect form data, modify database data, and manage server files. Node.js only runs one process simultaneously, rather than creating new threads for each request. It also has a set of I/O primitives in its library to keep JS code from getting stuck.
Also Read: https://www.techwebspace.com/why-choose-node-js-for-real-time-application-development/
How Does It Work?
As stated previously, all components of the MERN stack can be used separately; however, by incorporating these technologies, a developer creates high-performing web applications. So we’ll learn how the mern stack development works in this section.
Let’s look at an example that helps you understand the entire mechanism. Assume you’ve created a clothing-related e-commerce web application. A customer now goes to the web app to buy a t-shirt. As a result of the link on the web page, the user is directed to the t-shirt page. However, how will we gather data from the backend?
- The user visits our React-based landing page.
- The user chooses to buy a t-shirt by clicking on the link. Because it is a single-page application, the t-shirt page is rendered without refreshing the page.
- However, we may not have any data on the t-shirt at this time, so the state is empty. So, to get the data from the backend, we’ll use an API call.
- Due to the asynchronous nature of the data retrieval process, it will take longer. In the meantime, the user will see a loading GIF.
- While on the backend, ExpressJS looks for the hit endpoint and calls the appropriate controller function to fetch the data.
- We can use mongoose in the controller to query the database, retrieve the data, and return in JSON format.
- The JSON data is sent back to React, which updates the state with the fetched information.
- React will re-render the component with the updated state, replacing the loading GIF with the t-shirt information.
- That’s how MongoDB, React, Express, and Node interact.
Why Should You Use MERN Stack?
- MERN Stack is an excellent choice for developers, and here are a few reasons why:
- MERN provides an end-to-end development environment with a full-stack development environment.
- Model View Controller (MVC) architecture is supported by MERN, allowing developers to create workflows easily.
- MERN comes with testing tools that make detecting errors a breeze.
- Because every line of code in MERN full-stack development is written in JavaScript, developers can easily integrate and work with various frameworks, whether for the client-side or server-side.
- MongoDB integrates well with Node.js, making it easier to store, represent, and manipulate JSON data in web apps.
- Express encapsulates HTTP requests and responses in URL mappings for server-side functionality.
- React is useful for creating interactive HTML UIs and interacting with remote servers.
- The whole thing makes it easy for JSON data to flow from front to back while making it faster to build and debug.
You could use the MERN stack to create any application you want, just like any other stack. However, it is best suited for cloud-native, JSON-heavy applications that require dynamic web interfaces, such as workflow management, interactive forums, and social products.
So, if you want to create a cost-effective, open-source app with better performance and UI rendering, the MERN stack is good to go. You can also hire MERN developers with relevant knowledge and expertise if you’re a company looking for a MERN-based web app. MERN can also be learned online from different classes and tutorials on various platforms. We can use MERN to develop business applications if we keep all of these factors in mind. There’s no need to waste your time. Allow a mern stack development company with years of experience to assist you with web development.