ReactJS is a JavaScript library which is used to build user interfaces and web applications. The library has got more than 35k stars on Github, 6k forks and more than 30k commits. This can be a good sign that there are many developers who use ReactJS for various purposes like building websites, mobile apps or any other type of page.
It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.
ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library which is used for building user interfaces specifically for single page applications. It’s used to build user interfaces that are based on components, but it can also be applied to larger applications because it doesn’t require a lot of code or configuration.
ReactJS consists of two main parts: JSX and JSXTransformer. JSX stands for JavaScript syntax extension which allows you to use HTML tags in your codebase and transform them into JavaScript components using React’s virtual DOM diffing engine (which keeps track of all changes made while rendering). The second part, JSXTransformer helps convert between different versions of browsers so that they can understand what changes have been made since last time they were loaded into memory by adding or removing some properties from the object being created/updated at runtime (e.g., state).
Render Method
The render method is used to return a virtual DOM to the browser. It’s the heart of React, and it can be used to return anything from an array of elements to plain text or even functional components.
However, it’s recommended that you return an array of elements with each element having its own props that match the ones passed into your component.
Components Lifecycle
As a developer, it is important to be aware of the lifecycle of your components. The lifecycle of a component can change based on how you use it. For example, when a user enters an input field in your app and clicks on “Submit”, this action will trigger the component’s update method to be called once again.
In addition to this simple scenario, there are other ways that components interact with each other during their lifespan:
- ComponentWillMount: This event occurs when a new element has been added or removed from DOM (Document Object Model). This happens before mounting into ReactDOM or any other library like Redux which then mounts onto top of ReactDOM.
- ComponentDidMount: This event occurs after all children components have been mounted onto DOM.
- ComponentWillUpdate: Occurs before updating any state.
- ComponentDidUpdate: Occurs after updating all state records as per current prop changes but before calling render() function.
The third and final reason to consider using ReactJS is the JSX syntax. It’s a syntax that combines HTML and JavaScript, allowing you to write your code using the full power of JavaScript in your HTML.
JSX is not new; it was originally created by Facebook in 2011 as part of their Flux Framework for building web apps with pure JavaScript. Since then, many companies have adopted it because it makes it easier to work with both XML/HTML documents and dynamic data on the same page.
Data Binding
ReactJS uses a Virtual DOM to render the UI. A virtual DOM is a JavaScript object which represents the real DOM, and it’s used in order to avoid re-rendering when something changes on your page. The virtual DOM is updated with the latest changes whenever a component’s state changes.
In other words: if you change data in one place, it will be reflected instantly everywhere else on your page without having to recompile everything again!
Properties or Props
Props are the attributes that are passed to a component from its parent component. Props can be of any type including primitive types, arrays, objects and functions. They can also be assigned from any place in the component tree.
Props allow you to pass information about your components like their state or behavior into other parts of your application where they’re needed. This means that you no longer need to hardcode these values into each individual file because they’ll be automatically updated when their corresponding properties change in another part of your application (like when we add more functionality).
State is like a variable. You can change the state by calling setState() and it will be stored in the state property of your component.
State is accessed from any component, even if they are not direct children of your parent component. In fact, you can access it from any other component as well if you wish to do so.
Event handling
The event handling is the process of reacting to user actions. It is a very powerful feature of ReactJS that allows us to handle events in a declarative way. For example, if we want our application to show a message when the user clicks on an element then we have to do some coding and write some code for retrieving information from database or other external sources and then apply these changes in our app.
In contrast, with ReactJS there is no need for such coding because it has built-in event system which makes it easy for us as developers or designers because all we have to do is define what happens when certain events occur then let react handle it behind the scenes without any hassle from us at all!
Components API
ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses, among other things, the concept of components (or stateless functional components). These are small pieces of code that can be used to build your application and render it on the screen.
Components are the building blocks of ReactJS and they can be created using the React.createClass() function. You can pass props, state and functions as arguments when calling this method which makes them even more reusable than plain HTML tags! The second argument is an optional “component” name that will be added to all subsequent calls made by your component constructors; if left undefined then no such name will be used in any future calls made within your application codebase (meaning no namespacing required).
These are just some basic facts about how components work so let’s get into what they look like visually:
React JS is a JavaScript library that helps you build user interfaces. It’s easy to learn, develop applications using react JS and it can be the best option if you are looking to develop a web application in less time with fewer efforts.
In conclusion
React JS is an open-source JavaScript library which is used for building user interfaces specifically for single page applications (we built app cost calculator web app that helpful who are looking for tool that give rough estimate of app development cost ). It’s used by millions of people around the world to build their web apps and websites.
React gives a fresh and modern approach to building user interfaces that can be developed quickly and easily. The best option if you’re looking for an alternative to other frameworks like jQuery or AngularJS. Its good decision to choose React for your web development, In Groovy we have experienced React developers, Who can help you to create impressive web application with less coding.
About the author: Bhagavati is a technical content writer currently working at Groovy Web, writing about SaaS, marketing, MVP, web development and cloud solutions. When not working, you can find him with his adorable dog or with his friends.