Are your customers leaving without buying anything? If that’s the case, your store might not be optimized for sales at all. Your job as a store owner is to not only entice the visitors to your store but also convert them into potential buyers.
As we all know the sole purpose of an eCommerce store is to sell products or services. However, things might not go as you like them to. Your customers might be leaving even before making a purchase, and that’s bad for your overall business.
As an eCommerce website, you should take proper control of what’s going on your website. This also includes understanding why your eCommerce visitors are leaving before making a purchase. In this article, we will do just that, and help you improve your sales numbers. So, without any delay, let’s get started.
Confusing Checkout Process
Customers don’t have patience when it comes to the checkout process. They want to buy their product fast and quick. To do so, eCommerce website should implement a checkout process that doesn’t take more than three or four steps at max. Also, eCommerce website should not bring long forms in front of their customers during the checkout process. This can deter their buying decision as they might quit and look for an alternative.
Non-Existing Customer Support
Any business(online and in the real world) is known not only for their product but also for their customer support. Sometimes, the buyer might want to get the help of the support to make a purchase. Maybe the customer is trying to understand how the payment process work or is confused on what the product has to offer. Whatever may be the query of the customer, if you fail to help him during the checkout process, you will lose the sale indefinitely.
Long loading times
Loading times can seriously deter a customer’s purchase decision. Some customers do have more patience compared to others but don’t expect everyone to wait for the page to load to make the purchase. The only solution is to have a proper loading time for your eCommerce website. This way they will not only be able to explore your store, but also make purchases, contributing to your business growth. According to Maile Ohye, 2 seconds is the threshold for an eCommerce website. Beyond that, you will start losing customers and sales.
Search engine
An eCommerce website search engine plays a crucial role in user experience. Until 2014, search engines were not so smart as they needed the customer to search for exact search terms. However, recently with the help of more advanced technologies, search engines are becoming smarter.
If your eCommerce website is not able to use an advanced search engine, it is surely hampering the sales. Customers don’t want to work their way out when searching for their items. Also, it is not always possible for them to use the exact keyword. Overall, having a bad search engine can affect the sales.
Payment issues
If you are running an eCommerce website with the local audience in mind, then you might not need global support for payments. However, if you are trying to grab the attention of the global audience, having a proper gateway for every currency is important.
Many eCommerce websites don’t have an adequate payment gateway that can completely shut down a sale. Your website should have not only global payment integration but also have multi-language support whenever possible.
Website not built to the standards
eCommerce websites are complex. They need to have proper channels for product management, payment, user management, language support and so on. Any customer who has done online shopping knows how a well-made eCommerce looks and behave.
New eCommerce website fails to push their best website initially, making them lose a good amount of sales. It is always recommended to hire the best eCommerce app development company to develop and manage your website.
Making an online purchase is always seen as a big thing by a customer. That’s why they always look out for security aspects of an eCommerce website. If it doesn’t have an HTTPs, basic security options or look shady, they will simply skip the website and not make the purchase at all. That’s why eCommerce website should invest time and money in making their website secure and trustworthy.
Final Thoughts
Running an eCommerce website is a big challenge. As an owner, you need to make sure that the customer doesn’t feel any hindrance while making a purchase. The checklist should cover all the ticks including security, payment, site performance and so on. So, what do you think about the points listed above? Comment below.